GEL is committed to our Core Purpose of improving quality of life by helping people protect and be good stewards of the environment and natural resources. This Core Purpose drives the work we do each day to support our clients. Embracing sustainability is fundamental to this pursuit.

At GEL, we define sustainability as intentional stewardship and innovation to ensure the long-term well-being of our GEL family, our business, our community, and our environment.

Sustainability is a vital component of our business model, from reducing consumption costs to enhancing our culture of collaboration and empowerment. Extending beyond our campuses, our team of dedicated and innovative professionals is passionate about delivering outstanding environmental services. This commitment enables us to act as “Sustainability Facilitators” for the organizations we serve every day.

Through company-wide collaboration with our dedicated Sustainability Specialist, a materiality assessment, and alignment with industry norms, the following priority areas have been established to plan the next steps in our sustainability journey:

  • Waste Reduction & Recycling
  • Employee Wellness & Community
  • Emissions Reduction
  • Water Conservation

Our sustainability roadmap goes beyond internal enhancements. Each step we take towards environmental stewardship also strengthens our commitment to better protect and support the quality of life of our co-workers and our community for generations to come. Join us on this journey and follow along for future updates on our progress.

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