Radiochemistry Analytical Testing Services

GEL operates a radiochemistry laboratory optimized for peak throughput and efficiency. Our facility is exceptionally well-equipped for the analysis of various isotopes.

  • For the actinide series, we have an inventory of 396 alpha spectrometers at our disposal.
  • For gamma-emitting isotopes, we offer a suite of 67 high-efficiency germanium gamma detectors from Canberra.
  • To handle weaker beta-emitting isotopes, we utilize 10 liquid scintillation counters and two Quantulus GCT units with low-level sensitivity.
  • For isotopes emitting both alpha and beta radiation, we employ 128 gas flow proportional counters.
  • To meet the demands of specialty radionuclide analyses, we have three ICP-MS instruments, enhancing our capacity to address unique projects.  At present, we can analyze Technetium 99 and uranium isotopes, with plans to develop capabilities for other long-lived isotopes.

This comprehensive array of counting devices firmly establishes our laboratory as one of the best-equipped radiochemistry facilities in the country.

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