Dredging & Disposal Planning & Permitting

Dredge project support from start to finish.

GEL Engineering assists clients with planning, sampling, permitting, and dredging oversight for projects ranging from marina improvements to maintenance dredging events, to environmental cleanup projects.

Feasibility Studies

GEL Engineering specializes in conducting dredging feasibility studies for your site. Our feasibility studies start with a hydrographic survey, defining the appropriate channel and dredge areas, and calculating the volume of sediment to be dredged. With this information, GEL Engineering will evaluate and identify the appropriate methods of dredging and sediment disposal to fit the needs of your site. We can also develop cost estimates and schedules for permitting through construction.

Dredge Permitting

Dredge permitting can be a complex undertaking and requires authorization from State and Federal regulatory agencies. Permit applications are also reviewed by multiple natural resource agencies and the public, which can lead to project-specific consultations for impacts to protected species, cultural resources, water quality, and noise impacts. GEL Engineering will work with you to identify the most streamlined process to obtain the necessary approvals from the regulatory agencies. We also work with you and the agencies to obtain approvals for a variety of dredging and disposal methods to give you better flexibility in planning your long-term dredging needs.

Dredged Material Placement Facility (DMPF) Design and Permitting

The most difficult part of a dredging project can be identifying a cost-effective location to dispose of your dredged sediments. GEL Engineering’s professionals will work with you to identify a suitable location to construct a new DMPF. Our engineers can design and permit the construction of a new DMPF, keeping in mind that dredging is rarely a one-time occurrence and the life cycle of the DMPF must be considered for your facility’s long-term dredging needs.

Sediment Evaluations

The regulatory and natural resource agencies often require that sediments must be sampled and analyzed prior to dredging to ensure sediments are not contaminated. GEL Engineering specializes in writing Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs) that conform to State and Federal requirements. We work closely with the agencies to negotiate the most sensible and environmentally practical sediment characterization program.

GEL Engineering’s professionals can handle your project from beginning to end. We have a full range of sampling vessels to collect sediment and water in shallow water up to depths exceeding 50 feet. GEL Laboratories, LLC is recognized by local, state, and federal permitting and regulatory agencies as a leader in sediment analysis. Depending on the location and complexity of the sediment sampling and analysis program, the subsequent sediment testing report can range from a simple document to a multi-volume report. GEL Engineering has over 30 years of experience developing sediment testing reports in a format familiar to State and Federal agencies.

Biological Assessments

Often, a permitting project occurs in an area with known threatened and endangered species or in areas designated as Critical Habitat. In these instances, a Biological Assessment may be prepared to facilitate the consultation process with the US Fish and Wildlife Services and/or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service may be necessary. GEL Engineering specializes in evaluating a project, how it may or may not harm sensitive species or habitats and identifying sensible solutions to mitigate any potential impacts to these resources. GEL Engineering’s decades of experience with these issues allow us to quickly define an issue and streamline the consultation process for your project.

Post-Permit Compliance Assistance

GEL Engineering will collaborate with you to obtain a dredging permit; however, the project does not end there. All permits contain special conditions, including, but not limited to preparation of dredging plans, pre- and post-dredging reports, coordination with multiple local, state, and federal agencies, and requirements for pre- and post-dredge hydrographic surveys. Dredge projects can also require Protected Species Monitoring to document avoidance of protected species and associated habitat. GEL Engineering’s professionals will work with you to ensure permit conditions are met and you remain in good standing with the regulatory agencies.

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