Structural Engineering

Comprehensive assessments, design, repair, and preservation of diverse structures.

GEL Engineering’s professional structural engineers specialize in the assessment, design, and repair of new and existing structures, including industrial, commercial, and residential buildings, bridges, retaining walls, piers, wharfs, boardwalks, bulkheads, and historic buildings.

Structural Assessment and Repair

GEL Engineering’s engineers have performed assessments of structures of all types and sizes, including buildings, bridges, historic structures, walls, marine structures, vessels, façades, and special items such as monuments, cisterns, clock towers, arenas, theatres, and fountains. We have performed preliminary and in-depth facility, feasibility, and damage assessments, including structural condition, capacity, critical structural condition, and code-compliance assessments, as well as emergency assessments. We thoroughly document observed conditions to enable us to prepare complete, comprehensive, and accurate reports and drawings for the repair of existing conditions. We have experience assessing projects with construction materials such as concrete, steel, masonry, timber, composite, and terra cotta.

Structural Analysis and Design

From small structures to large, GEL Engineering staff has designed structures including buildings, piers, boardwalks, pedestrian bridges, and bulkheads and performs analysis for structures in seismic and hurricane-prone areas. We design special structures such as pergolas, shade structures, dugouts, and landscape and streetscape elements. We have experience designing with concrete, steel, masonry, composite, and timber materials.

Historic Preservation and Restoration

Historic Preservation and Restoration is a combination of ensuring public safety while using historically sensitive materials and techniques to preserve the appearance and character of a historic structure. GEL Engineering’s structural engineers have extensive experience with historic preservation/reconstruction and are experts in traditional restoration work and innovative approaches to historic preservation.

Failure / Forensic Analysis

GEL Engineering’s structural engineers have performed emergency response following failures due to design errors, natural disasters, and structural deterioration. We perform investigations to determine the cause of failure and assist clients with the remediation and reconstruction of failed structures.

Municipal Engineering

We have experience working on on-call contracts with municipalities and government agencies, including working on both on-call and standalone projects with numerous municipalities and agencies. When the safety of the public, municipality/agency staff, and the community is at stake, GEL’s team of experienced professionals will react quickly and with solutions you can rely upon. We have a long-established record of project success with municipalities, and we have the responsiveness, experience, technology, and professional staff to effectively complete the requirements of routine and emergency projects.

Emergency Response

Our expertise includes assessing structures in the aftermath of natural disasters such as hurricanes, storm surge events, earthquakes, floods, and blizzards. We have inspected numerous types of structures following natural disasters, including buildings, bridges, culverts, roadways, piers, embankments, retaining walls, towers, marinas, bulkheads, and miscellaneous structures. Our staff also has experience with developing repair scopes and costs for submittal to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Marine Assessment, Design, and Repair

Our structural engineers have experience with the above-water assessment, design, and repair of marine structures, such as piers, wharves, floating docks, bulkheads, and boardwalks. We thoroughly document observed conditions to enable us to prepare complete, comprehensive, and accurate reports and drawings for the repair of existing conditions.

Bridge Inspection

GEL Engineering has Professional Engineers who are Federal Highway Administration-certified Team Leaders with experience performing element-level bridge inspections for DOTs, state agencies, local municipalities, and private clients. We are familiar with the new Specifications for the National Bridge (SNBI) requirements and prepare complete, accurate bridge inspection reports, and can develop repairs for deteriorated elements.

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How we can help you solve your unique challenge with our breadth of expert services.

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